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the website and texts of articles
by authors
by title (or part of title)
by keyword
Articles with keyword «activity»
Igor Semenov
Research Directions in the Innovative Psychology of Reflexion in the Higher School of Economics
[2012] Vol. 9 No. 3. P. 37–57
E. Sokolova
How A.N. Leontiev Revived Spinozism in Marxist Psychology, or On the Implicit Philosophical Basis of the Theory of Activity
[2019] Vol. 16 No. 4. P. 654–673
Vadim Rozin
Conceptualisation of Thinking in Philosophy and Psychology
[2011] Vol. 8 No. 2. P. 3–25
A. Petrovskiy
Vadim Petrovskiy
The Categorical System of Psychology. An Experience of Constructing a Theory of Theories in Psychology
[2018] Vol. 15 No. 4. P. 626–644
V. Barabanshchikov
Problems of Psychology of Perception in Scientific Work of S.L. Rubinstein
[2009] Vol. 6 No. 3. P. 90–96
Andrei Volochkov
Activity of Subject of Life Sphere: Theoretical Model and Empirical Data
[2010] Vol. 7 No. 1. P. 19–54
Milena Chesnokova
Development of the Ideas of Existentialism and Their Critique in S.L. Rubinstein’s Works
[2022] Vol. 19 No. 2. P. 353–372
Milena Chesnokova
The Dialectical Method and the Principle of Ascent from the Abstract to the Concrete in the Theories of Russian Psychology
[2021] Vol. 18 No. 3. P. 544–561
Igor Semenov
Poliphonic Personology of V.A. Lefevbre and Fundamental Development of Reflexive Sciences of Man and Universe
[2017] Vol. 14 No. 4. P. 607–625
Igor Semenov
Existential-Reflexive Personology of Life Enactment and Professional Activity of V.P. Zinchenko
[2011] Vol. 8 No. 3. P. 49–74
E. Sokolova
To the Problem of Metaunderstanding of Psychic Reality according to Cultural-historical Psychological Point of View
[2010] Vol. 7 No. 4. P. 85–96
Alexander Orlov
Natalya Orlova
Critical Psychology in Action: A Societal Perspective
[2013] Vol. 10 No. 1. P. 150–176
Igor Semenov
S.L. Rubinstein Known and Unknown: Historical and Cultural Reflection on Life and Work
[2009] Vol. 6 No. 3. P. 63–89
Vsevolod Ushakov
On the Dynamics of Memory Abilities with the Increased Difficulty of the Memory Task
[2014] Vol. 11 No. 3. P. 149–163
Vladimir Serkin
Activity Theory of Consciousness (Consciousness as an Attribute of System Operations Subject) (in Russian)
[2015] Vol. 12 No. 2. P. 93–111
, 1993–2025