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Guidelines for authorsHow to produce and layout an article 1. The material of an article submitted to the Editorial Board should be an original paper in Russian or English that has not been previously published anywhere. 2. The layout of the manuscript should be formatted with one and a half line spacing, font size 14, Times New Roman. 3. All illustrations, diagrams and tables should be placed in the relevant sections of the text, but not at the end of the document and not as a separate file(s). 4. The manuscript should be submitted based on the requirements outlined in the APA Guidelines 7th Edition ( 5. References and sources:
6. There should be no extra spaces, nor words/phrases not separated by spaces. 7. The text of an article submitted in English should be proofread by a native speaker before it is submitted. 8. The size of an article differs depending on the selected section (see Journal Sections). This size includes metadata both in the original and in the translated version, the text of the article, figures and tables and a list of references. We would like to inform you that every manuscript is checked for the uniqueness of the text by the Antiplagiat [AntiPlagiarism] system. Borrowings without correct citations and references, self-plagiarism and paraphrase are unacceptable. Reprinted and republished works, including translated versions of a published material, will not be considered.
Submitting an article 1. In order for a paper to be considered for publication, two files in electronic form (any version of Microsoft Word) should be emailed to 1) A file containing the title, the text of the article and a Reference List (the file should not contain information about the author/authors); 2) A file containing metadata for the article; layout should be in accordance with the 2. When submitting an article, the author(s) should specify in the cover letter the section of the Journal for which the article is submitted (see below for more details). They should also confirm that this article has not been previously published and also has not been submitted, now will be submitted, for consideration and publication in another journal. We would like to inform you that the editors retain the right to reject, not to consider or return manuscripts for revision if the latter are inappropriately formalized and if the information provided is false or incomplete.
Rules for articles to be published in various sections of the Journal Articles. General Section. The following papers can be accepted for publication in this section: • original empirical studies, their discussion and analysis; • articles containing descriptions of new methods of research and new psychodiagnostic methods; • articles containing a set of empirical studies on the construction and verification of a certain theory, concept or model; • articles that represent an original theoretical model that can be empirically verified; • fundamental articles on the philosophical and methodological problems of psychology that contain a multifaceted and detailed argumentation to support the author’s position; • analytical developments and generalizations that contain substantially new scientific data and/or propose a new approach to the consideration of phenomena in a specific area of psychology (a few areas of psychology or links between psychology and other sciences); • articles that cover original practice-oriented psychological developments. It is assumed that all types of articles include the author’s original position (and its substantiation) regarding the solution of a psychological or interdisciplinary problem under consideration. When submitting an article, the author should indicate its genre specifics. Articles must not exceed 45,000 characters, including spaces (but in certain cases, the length of the article may be extended by the decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal). This volume should include metadata in the original paper and its translated versions, the text of the article, figures and tables and a list of references.
Articles. Short Notes. An article can be accepted for publication in the Short Notes Section if it is an original paper that has never been published before, and written in Russian or English; an empirical study should be included in the article. It is suggested that the following structure is used in the article: 1) The first section of the article should contain a statement of the problem, its theoretical analysis, an analytical review of the relevant literature, and the formulated research goals and hypotheses (if this is relevant to the nature of the work). The study should comply with the current standards of national and world science. A review of literature should be associated with the hypotheses and the planned empirical research. 2) The Method Section should describe the sample (the number of subjects, their age, gender and other necessary information), and the methods used (with references to their publications) or stimulus material, and the applied procedure. 3) The Results Section should describe the data obtained. This section should also include a description of the methods for statistical data processing used. 4) In the Discussion Section the results are interpreted through the prism of the formulated goals and hypotheses; the results obtained should correlate with the results of other similar studies. The described structure may vary somewhat depending on the specifics of a particular study, but the authors are advised to adhere to it as much as possible. Articles must not exceed 18,000 printed characters including spaces (but in certain cases, the length of the article may be extended by the decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal). This volume should include metadata in the original paper and its translated versions, the text of the article, figures and tables and a list of references.
Reviews and Observation Papers This Section publishes articles that contain assessments (observations) of modern publications in the field of fundamental and practical psychology, and reviews meeting the following criteria: 1) a broad coverage and representation of the submitted materials; 2) the original scientific and psychological analysis of the works under discussion; 3) information on the consistency of the discussed problem; 4) based on the analysis undertaken, the problem should be both covered and formulated. The maximum size is 10,000 printed characters in reviews, and 18,000 printed characters in observation papers, including spaces (but in certain cases, the length of the article may be extended by the decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal). This volume should include metadata in the original paper and its translated versions, the text of the article, figures and tables and a list of references.
A Publication Agreement After the Journal informs the author(s) that their article has been accepted for publication and/or the prepress preparation has been launched, the author(s) of the manuscripts accepted for publication should send to the Editorial Office the original of the publishing license agreement (presented in the prescribed form). Template for publishing (copyright) license agreement for the author/team of authors:
In the process of submitting an article, the author has to confirm that the article has not been published or has not been accepted for publication in another journal. If the author wants to make a reference to an article published in the Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, they are kindly asked by the publisher to place a link (full URL of the published material) on the official website of the Journal. Articles previously posted by the authors on personal or public websites that are not associated with other publishers can be considered for publication in the Journal.
Copyright Authors who publish materials in this Journal agree to the following: 1. The authors retain the copyright for the work published and grant the Journal the right to first publish the work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows the distribution of this work with mandatory references to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this Journal. 2. The authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual agreements concerning the non-exclusive distribution of a version of the work published in the Journal (for example, through placing it in a university repository) with a mandatory reference to its original publication in this Journal. 3. The authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (for example, on a personal website) after it has been actually published by the Journal, as this may result in a productive discussion and an increase in the number of references to this work (see The Effect of Open Access).
Privacy When communicating with the Editorial Office, the names and email addresses of the authors will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated by the Journal and will not be used for any other purposes or given to other persons and organizations.
NO payment is charged to the authors of manuscripts for publication and prepress preparation. Author’s (paper) copies of the issue in the required quantity are provided free of charge. |
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