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FAQConcerning time frames How long does it take to review a paper? Incoming papers are reviewed on average within 4–5 months. How long is the process of finalizing papers? Each repeated review of papers submitted for follow-up revision takes up to two months. The deadline for improving the paper following the comments is set at three months. No more than two reapplications. What is the timeline for publishing a paper? The timing of publication depends on a number of factors (the loading of thematic sections, the subject of papers in an issue, etc.). On average, the waiting list (excluding reviewing and without recommendations by our experts to improve a paper) is from six months to a year.
Concerning publications Is it possible to submit to the Journal papers in the English language? Yes, it is. It is advisable that the author completes proofreading before submitting the paper to the Journal. Are non-fiction articles accepted for the publication in the Journal? No, they are not, since the Journal is academic, only scientific papers are accepted.
Miscellaneous Can I get a certificate stating that a paper is under consideration? Yes, if it has been tested for compliance with the formal requirements and relevance to the subject of the Journal. Do I have to pay for the review and publication of a paper? No, you don’t. All stages of reviewing, prepress preparation of papers (technical and literary editing, proofreading, layout) and publishing are free of charge to the authors. |