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Andrei Volochkov1Activity of Subject of Life Sphere: Theoretical Model and Empirical Data
Vol. 7.
No. 1.
P. 19–54
[issue contents]
The article outlines the three factor paradigm of explanation of psychic development and behavior which takes into account the factor of activity of subject of life along with genotype-environment interaction. The transition from extensive investigation of particular manifestations of activity to integrative models is proposed. On the example of academic and professional activity the new conception of activity of subject of life sphere is presented. It implies that every interaction is characterized by dialectical extent of contribution made by a subject in the continuum of objectiveness and subjectiveness. The results of empirical (including psychometric and longitudinal) studies of academic of schoolchildren and professional activity of teachers are presented.
Volochkov A. A. (2010) Aktivnost' sub"ekta sfery zhizni: teoreticheskaya model' i empirika [Activity of Subject of Life Sphere: Theoretical Model and Empirical Data] The Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 1, pp. 19-54 (in Russian)