Theory and Philosophy of Psychology
The article is devoted to the grounds of perspectives of personology as a new integrative trend in psychological investigation of personality. The methodological model of personology in the paradigm of «life» is proposed. The article systematizes philosophical and psychological ideas of personality as an active beginning of one's own life, regularities of individual life course, its internal architectonics and personal conditions of its recreation and renewal. Personality is viewed through the categories of worlds and individual means of life, space and time of life, life events and life relationships, moments of involvement and personal development of life. The importance of paradigm of «life» for establishment of modern theory, phenomenology and personal self-knowledge is emphasized. |
Theoretical and Empirical Research
The article outlines the three factor paradigm of explanation of psychic development and behavior which takes into account the factor of activity of subject of life along with genotype-environment interaction. The transition from extensive investigation of particular manifestations of activity to integrative models is proposed. On the example of academic and professional activity the new conception of activity of subject of life sphere is presented. It implies that every interaction is characterized by dialectical extent of contribution made by a subject in the continuum of objectiveness and subjectiveness. The results of empirical (including psychometric and longitudinal) studies of academic of schoolchildren and professional activity of teachers are presented. |
The article is devoted to the range of problems of religious emotional experience. Directions of modern studies in psychology of religion are being discussed. Such questions as exceptionality/ordinarily of religious emotional experience, its similarities/differences among representatives of different religions and its connection with religious discourse are analyzed. Specific character and advantages of phenomenological studies of religiousness, based on analysis of subjective self-reports of participants and literary testimonies, are described. The article presents the study of religious experience of Krishna Worshippers connected with their conversion to faith, everyday life, spiritual practices, and adherence to their religious duties. It demonstrates the connection between the specificity of religious experience of participants and peculiarities of their religious discourse. |
Special Theme of the Issue.
Psychic Reality as a Problem of Self-determination of a Scientific Discipline
Eternal problems of psychology which still lack satisfactory solution (such as the nature of conscientiousness, the problem of freedom of choice) are being analyzed. It is argued that it is the intentional attempts to avoid solving these problems and pretending that they do not exist lead psychology to the state of crisis and generate diversity of opinions among psychologists. The description of typical means of avoiding problems is given. The author expresses hope that psychology is now at such state of its development when it becomes at last a real theoretical science. |
The article analyzes crisis phenomena in psychology and discusses the peculiarities of the work aimed at overcoming this crisis. In the framework of this research area psychological reality is characterized and the conditions of its «thinkabality» in the present situation are considered. |
Work in Progress
The article presents data on investigation the factorial structure of experiencing events. The new approach to the problem of experiencing events is proposed. |
The article examines the issue of organizational leadership and analyzes the models of leadership traits of R. Stogdill, A. Lawton, A. Rose, W. Bennis, A.A. Urbanovich. It describes the results of empirical research of leader traits (competences) of the executives of different managerial levels of an industrial enterprise. |
The article examines the question about correlation between general anxiety of an adolescent and effectiveness of his behavior in unstructured group discussion. Anxiety as a personality trait significantly influences adolescent's behavior in different situations (competitions, interpersonal conflicts, decision making, etc.) including joint activity where group result is of the most significance. The results of the study prove that schoolchildren with the high level of anxiety are successful in group discussion but leader's position is occupied by adolescents with low level of anxiety in comparison with other members of the group. |
The study is devoted to the analysis of factors that influence the estimation of justice of interaction within organization by its employees. It is shown that estimation of justice of interaction is interconnected with employee's attitude towards organization. The higher the estimation is, the better is the employee's attitude towards his colleagues, immediate superior and organization in general. At that estimation of importance of justice aspects is defined by characteristics of motivational sphere (motivation of achievement, affiliation and self-efficacy) to some extent. |
The article presents the results of cross-cultural study of interrelation between social capital and economic beliefs of the Russians and the Chinese. The Chinese demonstrate higher level of trust and tolerance towards representatives of ethnic and confessional groups different from their own. The Russians excel the Chinese in positivity of civil identity and tolerance towards dissidents. Compared to the Russians, the Chinese estimate their possibilities in increase of wealth more optimistically. They also demonstrate deeper interest in economics and choose smaller degree of economic risk as its optimal value. In both groups social capital is positively related with «productive» economic beliefs. |