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Alexander Tatarko1Social Capital and Economic Beliefs of the Russians and the Chinese: Differences and Interrelation
Vol. 7.
No. 1.
P. 138–148
[issue contents]
The article presents the results of cross-cultural study of interrelation between social capital and economic beliefs of the Russians and the Chinese. The Chinese demonstrate higher level of trust and tolerance towards representatives of ethnic and confessional groups different from their own. The Russians excel the Chinese in positivity of civil identity and tolerance towards dissidents. Compared to the Russians, the Chinese estimate their possibilities in increase of wealth more optimistically. They also demonstrate deeper interest in economics and choose smaller degree of economic risk as its optimal value. In both groups social capital is positively related with «productive» economic beliefs.
Tatarko A. N. (2010) Sotsial'nyy kapital i ekonomicheskie predstavleniya russkikh i kitaytsev: razlichiya i vzaimosvyaz' [Social Capital and Economic Beliefs of the Russians and the Chinese: Differences and Interrelation] The Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 1, pp. 138-148 (in Russian)