Motivation Toward the Environment Scale (Pelletier et al., 1998) into the Russian language. The methodology is based on the theory of self-determination, where behavior is determined by different reasons and the level of control. The scale contains 6 types of motivation: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, which includes integrated, identified, introjected and externally regulated motivation, and amotivation. On a sample of 462 respondents, the factorial structure of the scale and the internal consistency of the subscales were confirmed. Further, the test-retest validity of the scale was demonstrated (n = 56). To study convergent validity, correlations of motivation types with environmental concerns and nature connectedness were considered. The most self-determined types of motivation (intrinsic, integrated, identified, and introjected) were positively related to each other and to pro-environmental variables. The identified regulation, which focuses on the expediency of pro-environmental actions, is the most common, both in Canada, the scale was developed, and in Russia. Other types of motivation were also positively related to each other. Externally regulated motivation, which considers social influence rather than economic incentives in this scale, was the least related to other study variables. Additionally, the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on the types of motivation was considered, where gender and income level turned out to be significant variables. The analysis revealed that the adapted scale is largely equivalent to the original one. Based on the obtained results, the reliability, the test-retest, and the convergent validity of the adapted inventory for measuring pro-environmental motivation were proved.
Ivanova A., Agissova F., Shevel T., Sautkina E. (2023) Adaptatsiya i validizatsiya shkaly proekologicheskoy motivatsii na rossiyskoy vyborke [Adaptation and Validation of Motivation Toward the Environment Scale (MTES) in Russia]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 20, no 4, pp. 679-698 (in Russian)