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Irina Pogozhina1, Marina Sergeeva1Psychological Indicators of the Decision-Making System in Corruption Risk Situations and Their Change as a Result of Training
Vol. 19.
No. 3.
P. 587–605
[issue contents]
The objective of the article is to study whether the psychological indicators of the dynamic system of intellectual-personal potential of high school students and the orientation of their decisions (ethical/corruptive) in situations of corruption risk (CR) governed by the system will change after changing one of its cognitive components (ability to recognize corruption) as a result of guided online training. During the online training, participants in the experimental group learned about the signs of corruption and the actions necessary to recognize it in problem situations. The indicators of development before and after online training were compared: the ability to recognize corruption (author's case test), the representations of corruption (author's questionnaire), understanding of emotions and the ability to manage emotions (tasks of the Meyer-Salovey-Caruso test). The change of preferred alternatives in situations of CR was also evaluated: ethical or corrupt decisions with a moral orientation toward justice and care. After the training, the psychological indicators within the studied system (the ability to recognize corruption, representations of corruption, understanding and management of emotions) as well as the alternatives preferred by high school students (ethical or corrupt decisions with a moral orientation toward justice and care) changed significantly. Comparison of students with high, average and low indices of the formed ability to recognize corruption (x2 Pearson, p < .01) leads to meaningful changes in their representations of corruption (cognitive component of decision-making in CR situations). High school students with high and low levels of representations of corruption differ significantly (U Mann—Whitney, p < 0.05) in their preference for ethical decisions in CR situations. The obtained results indicate that the learning implemented in the format of online group training is effective for the development of components of the decision-making system in CR situations (cognitive and personal), as well as for changing the vector of alternatives preferred by high school students in the direction of ethical decisions.
Pogozhina I., Sergeeva M. (2022)
Psikhologicheskie pokazateli sistemy prinyatiya resheniy v situatsiyakh korruptsionnogo riska i ikh izmenenie v rezul'tate obucheniya [Psychological Indicators of the Decision-Making System in Corruption Risk Situations and Their Change as a Result of Training]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 3, pp. 587-605 (in Russian) |
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