2010. vol. 7. No. 2
Theory and Philosophy of Psychology
The discussion of nature of the psychological law and interrelation between psychological science and practice allows raising the question about the role of schemes and ideal objects in psychology. The notion of «scheme» and «ideal object» are characterized. Two cases are analyzed. The conclusion is made that schemes and ideal objects are created in both psychological science and psychological practice in accordance with each other, but logic and direction of thought is different for the science and practice. Three criteria (external, internal and evolutionary) of validity of psychological theories and difference between academic and practically-oriented psychological theories are examined. |
Theoretical and Empirical Research
The article describes an experimental research that investigates categorical structure of art perception. The system of visual oppositions of still life elements is analyzed. The still life itself is viewed as a special visual utterance about world, i. e. as a visual aphorism. The method applied is a construction of semantic spaces and their transformation by implying additional elements which subsequently bring new semantic relations into the picture. The problem of alternatives of interpretation of complex visual objects is discussed. The typology of still life interpretation as a realization of visual hermeneutics is revealed empirically. |
Special Theme of the Issue.
New DrScs
The article examines the question of systematic character of time criteria (temporariness, temporality) in the practices of psychological interpretations. The approach for interpretation of self-identity dynamics is proposed. Self-identity is interpreted as a process of «symphonisation» of times (trans-temporality). Self-identity is analyzed as a problem of ensuring of stability of individual existence in the dynamics of self-development. The article presents in brief the results of studies conducted by the author in 1993–2009 which have been published in a number of publications including 3 monographs and 25 articles. |
The article presents foundations and a number of results of realization of complex program of research on autobiographic memory on the basis of non-classical methodology of cultural-historic psychology broadened by activity theory approach. Application of systematic-functional-genetic analysis allowed investigating autobiographic memory in a number of aspects. Autobiographic memory is viewed as a higher psychic function organized by semantic principle which operates personal experience. It provides formation of subjective history of the personal past and feeling oneself as a unique subject in a course of life extensive in time. Autobiographic memory has a multilevel structure of interconnected units. The principles of organization of the units are determined by usage of different systems of socio-cultural means. As a variant of strategy of experimental genetic method the technique «Line of Life» is proposed. |
The article describes the studies of psychoanalytic process which allowed the author to elaborate a new scientific direction — psychology of reflection of altered states of consciousness. The obtained results allow concluding that it is the reflection of ASC as an active subjective process of generation of meanings that initiates and realizes integrative processes in personality. This conclusion is proved by vast theoretical and empirical studies of different aspects of ASC reflection emerging within the psychoanalytic process: its peculiarities, structure and levels, dynamics of reflection passing, conditions of its activation and formation, inter connection of ASC reflection and external and internal dialogue, external communicative and inner psychic orientation of reflective processes in ASC, effectiveness of different reflective strategies in ASC. |
Work in Progress
The article descries the study aimed at empirical verification of the two-factor model of relation of cognitive and emotional abilities. The model includes two parameters: type of information encoding (cognitive vs. emotional) and type of cognitive processes (convergent vs. divergent). One hundred and sixty two participants took part in the study and performed 9 tests. Each of the tests was aimed at evaluation of one of four abilities (cognitive intelligence, cognitive creativity, emotional intelligence, and emotional creativity). The 4-factor linear structural model was constructed with the latent factors corresponding to abilities mentioned above and the manifest variables corresponding to the respective test scores. The model showed a good fit to empirical data. According to the theoretical model predictions, co-variations between cognitive intelligence and cognitive creativity, cognitive creativity and emotional creativity, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence turned out to be positive and significant. An unexpected result was obtained that was in the fact of negative relation between emotional intelligence and emotional creativity. These results are discussed in terms of information processing means. |
The article examines the characteristics of self-actualization of working adults in the state of emotional stress and chronic fatigue. The acuteness of investigation of this problem is determined by its importance of self-actualization process in professional and personal development. The results of the longitudinal study are presented that demonstrate a connection between emotional stress (high level of anxiety) and chronic fatigue, on the one hand, and self-actualization of working adults, on the other hand. |
The question of interaction between individuality and the world was raised by V.S. Merlin as a problem of meta-individuality. The conception of meta-individuality was developed in studies devoted to the problem of influence of meta-individuality of a teacher upon his students. Nevertheless, the problem of meta-individuality and meta-effect was not viewed with respect to a family. On the basis of empirical data correlations between parameters of interaction of parent with a child, contribution of personality traits of parents and temperamental features of children into the characteristics of interaction with a child are viewed. Indices of parental attitude are viewed as manifestations of meta-effect. The results are discussed in the context of problem of meta-individuality. |
The study was devoted to the influence of education type and experience of disease on the moral assessment of people suffering from hypertension and depression. The moral assessment as a separate independent dimension of perception of psychic patients was revealed by N. Haslam along with pathologic, medical and psychological dimensions. The obtained results allow concluding that education type (medical, psychological, etc.) influences the extent of moral assessment of a patient and the interconnection between the moral assessment and the other parameters of conception of a disease. On the basis of the examined material the data was obtained that testifies that independence of the moral assessment is peculiar only to the people with medical or psychological education. Personal disease experience has no influence on the level of the moral assessment of an ill person. |