
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


D. Kornienko1
  • 1 Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Sibirskaya, 24, Perm, 24614990, Russia

The Problem of Meta-Individuality in Child-Parents Relationships

2010. Vol. 7. No. 2. P. 124–136 [issue contents]
The question of interaction between individuality and the world was raised by V.S. Merlin as a problem of meta-individuality. The conception of meta-individuality was developed in studies devoted to the problem of influence of meta-individuality of a teacher upon his students. Nevertheless, the problem of meta-individuality and meta-effect was not viewed with respect to a family. On the basis of empirical data correlations between parameters of interaction of parent with a child, contribution of personality traits of parents and temperamental features of children into the characteristics of interaction with a child are viewed. Indices of parental attitude are viewed as manifestations of meta-effect. The results are discussed in the context of problem of meta-individuality.
Citation: Kornienko D. S. (2010) Problema metaindividual'nosti v detsko-roditel'skikh otnosheniyakh [The Problem of Meta-Individuality in Child-Parents Relationships] The Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 2, pp. 124-136 (in Russian)
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