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Diana Shumskaia1, Anna V. Trusova1,2, Alexander O. Kibitov2The Short Russian Version of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11): Development and Validation
Vol. 20.
No. 2.
P. 211–230
[issue contents]
Our study is dedicated to the development and the psychometric properties evaluation of the short Russian version of Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11). The sample included 303 healthy young adults: 116 (38.28%) women and 187 (61.72%) men. The mean age was 23.22 (SD = 3.28) years. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, reliability assessment (McDonald’s omega (ω) and Greatest Lower Bound (GLB)), correlation analysis (between subscales of the inventory), gender differences analysis (U Mann–Whitney) were conducted. Additionally, we proposed normative intervals. The short 3-factor version consisted of 14 items, and the total score as a second-order factor was obtained (χ2 = 151.647; df = 76; CFI = .914; TLI = .896; RMSEA = .057; SRMR = .075). According to the factors' items, subscales were named “Motor Impulsiveness”, “Attentional Impulsiveness”, “Non-Planning Impulsiveness”, which is close to the original version. The scales shown satisfactory reliability level (ω/GLB): Total Score – .724/.843; Motor Impulsiveness – .713/.715; Attentional Impulsiveness – .712/.773; Non-Planning Impulsiveness – .636/ .685. Gender differences were found on the Total Score and on the Motor Impulsiveness scale. Hence, we've received the model of the Russian version of Barratt Impulsiveness Scale with good psychometric properties. The text of the questionnaire, scoring, and norms are provided in the appendix. However, to confirm this version, additional research is required.
Shumskaia D., Trusova A., Kibitov A. (2023)
Kratkaya russkoyazychnaya versiya shkaly impul'sivnosti Barratta (BIS-11): razrabotka i validizatsiya [The Short Russian Version of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11): Development and Validation]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 20, no 2, pp. 211-230 (in Russian) |
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