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Julia Khalutina1Eight-Week Mindful Meditation Practice Effects on Self-Regulation
Vol. 19.
No. 4.
P. 847–854
[issue contents]
The article presents study results in the effects of eight-weeks mindful meditation practice on self-regulation. We hypothesized that mindful meditation effects on the mechanisms of selfregulation may be following: regular meditation leads to improvement in emotional state, increases productive and decreases unproductive reflection, develops self-control and self-regulation. Repeated measures design (embedded mixed-methods design with quantitative base) was used to verify this hypothesis: the first and the last measures were taken at the start and in the end of the eight-week course. The study participants were students in eight-week online mindful meditation program: 61 respondents (47 women and 14 men aged 21 to 52 years). The obtained results make it possible to conclude that eight weeks of meditation are associated with a versatile transformation in the self-control and self-regulation system manifested in development of self-motivation, self-relaxation, cognitive self-control, ability to concentrate, action after failure, integration of inconsistencies; mood improvement, mindfulness, harmony and decrease in unproductive forms of reflection. Overall, the results indicate the development of contact with the present moment and increase in flexibility of self-regulation.
Khalutina J. (2022) VOS'MINEDEL'NAYa PRAKTIKA MEDITATsII OSOZNANNOSTI V KONTEKSTE RAZVITIYa SAMOREGULYaTsII [Eight-Week Mindful Meditation Practice Effects on Self-Regulation]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 847-854 (in Russian)
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