The analysis of the short form of the EmIn questionnaire by Dmitry Lyusin is presented. The short form was designed for the rapid assessment of emotional intelligence. Eight items were selected from the full form, two items for each of the following scales: Understanding of One’s Own Emotions, Management of One’s Own Emo tions, Understanding of Others’ Emo - tions, Management of Others’ Emo tions. Participants (N = 292) filled out the short and full forms of the EmIn questionnaire and some other inventories. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the short form yielded a four-factor structure matching the theoretical model of the questionnaire. Internal consistency of the short form is satisfactory (about 0.60), which is typical for the short questionnaires when their items summarize different aspects of the construct. The short and full forms strongly correlate with each other (r = 0.77) with the highest correlations between the similar scales of the two forms. Emotional intelligence measured with the short and full forms of the EmIn questionnaire (a) positively correlates with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience, and negatively correlates with neuroticism (the highest absolute correlation was obtained for neuroticism) and (b) positively correlates with life satisfaction and negatively correlates with negative affect. The obtained correlation pattern with basic personality traits and subjective well-being is typical for any emotional intelligence questionnaires. We recommend to use the short version of the EmIn questionnaire for the assessment of general emotional intelligence, as well as intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence.
Pankratova A., Kornienko D., Lyusin D. (2022) APROBATsIYa KRATKOY VERSII OPROSNIKA EMIN [Short Form of the EmIn Questionnaire]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 822-834 (in Russian)