The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the individual values of the respondents and their psychosemantic assessment of the visual image (on the example of a photo-image of the architectural tiles of the Moscow Kremlin). In the study, we relied on the theory of values of S. Schwartz (Schwartz, 1992), the psychosemantic approach (Artemyev, 1999) and the socio-psychological approach to the perception of architectural objects (Vyrva, Leontiev, 2015). The sample included 415 respondents. We used the following scales: the PVQ-R questionnaire of individual values (Shvarts, 2012), the authors’ bipolar semantic differential based on the personal semantic differential by C. Osgood, J. Susi, P. Tannenbaum (1972) and the architectural semantic differential by S.E. Gabidulina (2012). The results were processed using exploratory factor and regression analyses. The data obtained showed that the photo image of the tile is evaluated in a positive way on almost all the scales of the semantic differential. The five-factor psychosemantic structure of the tiles’ images was revealed. The most weight has the factor “Strong”, followed by the factors “Uncomfortable”, “Passive”, “Friendly”, and “Well-known”. The relationship between the individual values of the respondents and the psychosemantic assessment of the photo-images of the tiles were found: Openness to Change values are associated with the perception of the image as “strong” and “friendly”; Conservation values contribute to the assessment of the photo images of the tiles as "strong", "friendly", "famous", but at the same time "passive"; Self-Transcendence values are positively related to the perception of the images on the tiles as "friendly" and negatively related to its perception as "uncomfortable". We did not find the relationship of SelfEnhancement values with psychosemantic assessment of the images of the tiles. Psychosemantic assessment of the images of architectural tiles in a medieval temple, which are an element of traditional Russian culture, was studied for the first time. Additionally, we have identified the role of individual values in this process. This is the novelty of this article. The obtained results can be used in sightseeing and tourism, educational and developmental, spiritual and enlightenment activities, in urbanism and planning of comfortable urban spaces, in art creativity.
Kiseleva N., Galyapina V. (2022) VZAIMOSVYaZ' INDIVIDUAL'NYKh TsENNOSTEY I PSIKhOSEMANTIChESKOY OTsENKI IZOBRAZhENIY ARKhITEKTURNYKh KhRAMOVYKh IZRAZTsOV [Relationship of Individual Values and Psychosemantic Evaluation of Images of Architectural Temple Tiles]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 784-804 (in Russian)