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Tatyana Admakina 1Projective Markers of Psychogenic Induction in Children's Drawings in the Situation of Psychological and Pedagogical Expertise
Vol. 19.
No. 2.
P. 373–381
[issue contents]
In situation of high-conflict divorce, quite often there are disagreements between parents related to the right to raise a child, which is the reason for them to go to court. The court appoints psychological and pedagogical expertise. The expert often observes that the child does not present his beliefs and views, but translates such a position to the separately living parent, which contradicts his true feelings and attitude towards him. In the arsenal of the psychologist, there are no specific diagnostic tools aimed at detecting the indicated phenomenon. This article attempts to search for projective markers of psychogenic induction (a phenomenon in which a parent influences the child's opinion, imposes his position, forming a negative image of the other parent) by analyzing the data obtained using the "Drawing of a nonexistent animal" technique. The study sample consisted of 63 children participating in a forensic psychological and pedagogical examination, and whose parents are in a situation of high-conflict divorce. Highlighted 48 drawing parameters presented in an ordinal scale. Further, a correlation analysis of 48 pictorial features with the variable "presence of psychogenic induction" was carried out. A qualified expert carried out a qualitative assessment of the severity of psychogenic induction. The sample of children was divided according to the severity of psychogenic induction as follows: no sign (0 points) — 39.6%, medium severity (1 point) — 35.9%, pronounced sign (2 points) — 24.5%. The parameter "severity of psychogenic induction" positively correlated with such parameters of a child's drawing, which are the markers of emotional decline, energy conservation, and an aggressive emotional state of the child.
Admakina T. (2022) Proektivnye markery psikhogennogo indutsirovaniya v risunkakh detey v situatsii sudebnoy psikhologo-pedagogicheskoy ekspertizy [Projective Markers of Psychogenic Induction in Children's Drawings in the Situation of Psychological and Pedagogical Expertise]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 2, pp. 373-381 (in Russian)
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