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Lola Kretova1, Margarita Volovikova1Nostalgic Experience, Sovereignty and Satisfaction with Life among the Adherents of Urban and Country Life
Vol. 19.
No. 1.
P. 76–92
[issue contents]
This study is based on the assumption that significant and memorable nostalgic experience (memories that actualize the experience of happy, pleasant, blessed moments of the past) among adherents of country and urban life differ in their content. The data was collected through online survey. The final sample consisted of 172 respondents: the adherents of megalopolises life (n = 57), the admirers of country life with no plans to move (n = 70) and former townspeople (n = 45). The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis that significant nostalgic memories differ thematically. The nostalgic memories of country world are less significant for adherents of megalopolises (U = 2328.0, p = .002), (H = 9.987, p = .007). With a high degree of probability, we can talk about the correlation of nostalgic memories entitled as "country world" and "me in my childhood and youth" (rs = .279, p = .000), as well as "country world" and "music/ songs" (rs = .158, p = .037). The assumption about the greater sovereignty of suburban residents and its connection with nostalgic memories was partially confirmed; in general, the results allow us to identify such a trend. According to our expectations, no difference in life satisfaction indicators was detected between the groups of the adherents of megalopolis and country life. Life satisfaction indicators is lower in the group of the country life lovers with no plans to move (U = 1335.0, p = .001). Both findings correlate with the results of our earlier studies. The problematic issues of studying implicit life meanings using tests and the prospective of qualitative methodology tools are outlined. Our findings indicate the importance of further exploration of nostalgic experience of former townspeople as underlying experience of their lifeworld.
Kretova L., Volovikova M. (2022) Nostal'gicheskoe perezhivanie, suverennost' i udovletvorennost' zhizn'yu u priverzhentsev gorodskoy i zagorodnoy zhizni [Nostalgic Experience, Sovereignty and Satisfaction with Life among the Adherents of Urban and Country Life]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 1, pp. 76-92 (in Russian)
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