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Elena Rasskazova1,2, Galina Soldatova 3,4Psychological and User Activity Predictors of Attitude toward Learning in Students during Digitalization of Education in Pandemic
Vol. 19.
No. 1.
P. 26–44
[issue contents]
Research indicate that the massive transition of educational institutions fully or partially to distance learning format is associated in students with complaints about difficulties in learning, decrease in effectiveness and interest. The aim was to build a predictive model of psychological (well-being, educational motivation, pandemic anxiety) and digital (user activity, digital competence, attitude to technology) predictors of decreased academic satisfaction, competence, and engagement among students during the digitalization of education in the time of pandemic. In December 2020, 220 students from the sophomore (2nd) to the last (6th) year aged 18 to 33 were asked about their learning difficulties and perceived administrative support during the lockdown in spring 2020; academic satisfaction, competence and dedication before the pandemic and now; life satisfaction, positive and negative emotions; educational motivation; pandemic anxiety; anxiety due to the transition to distance learning and due to violation of privacy and security online; user and mixed activity; digital competence; attitude to technology; wish for digitalization of education in the future. According to the results, among students, the pandemic situation led to a decrease in academic satisfaction, subjective competence and engagement, and caused moderate learning difficulties. More pronounced learning difficulties during a pandemic were found in students with higher level of negative emotions, lower integrated learning motivation, higher anxiety due to the transition to distance learning and due to a violation of security and privacy online. The decrease in academic satisfaction, competence and dedication was maximal among students with a lower level of positive emotions, higher rates of amotivation at the university, anxiety due to the transition to distance learning and violation of privacy and security, and a lower wish for digitalization in education. The decrease in competence and engagement was more pronounced among students with a high level of technophilia, which can be explained by the fact that such students are more often distracted from their studies online.
Rasskazova E., Soldatova G. (2022) Psikhologicheskie i pol'zovatel'skie prediktory otnosheniya k uchebe studentov v period distantsionnogo obucheniya v usloviyakh pandemii [Psychological and User Activity Predictors of Attitude toward Learning in Students during Digitalization of Education in Pandemic]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 1, pp. 26-44 (in Russian)
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