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Vladimir Shumskiy1, Elena Ukolova1Background and Basis of Personalistic Anthropology of Modern Existential Analysis: From Idea to Practice
Vol. 18.
No. 4.
P. 837–857
[issue contents]
Modern existential analysis, as a school of psychological science and practice, is developing through dialogue with philosophy, academic psychology, theoretical models and practical methods of various approaches in psychotherapy. In the last decade this dialogue has led to a significant development of ideas about the spiritual dimension of a human being, which form the basis of existential-analytical anthropology — the differentiation of phenomenal manifestations of the spiritual dimension into the Self and the Person and the corresponding conceptualization. This article systematizes the ideas developed in the recent works of A. Längle regarding the spiritual Self as a center of self-consciousness, decision-making and volitional activity of an individual, and the spiritual Person as the center of orientation in the field of the essence of being.
Shumskiy V., Ukolova E. (2021) Predposylki i osnovaniya stanovleniya personalisticheskoy antropologii sovremennogo ekzistentsial'nogo analiza: ot idei k praktike [Background and Basis of Personalistic Anthropology of Modern Existential Analysis: From Idea to Practice]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 18, no 4, pp. 837-857 (in Russian)
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