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Irina Bogdanovskaya1, Anna Uglova1, Natalia Koroleva 1Psychological Factors of Trust in Popular Video Bloggers in Modern Youth
Vol. 18.
No. 3.
P. 451–467
[issue contents]
The paper presents the results of the research on the psychological factors of trust in popular video bloggers among modern youth. The study of trust in video blogs is of considerable interest, since despite the importance of this form of virtual communication, the number of domestic theoretical and empirical studies on this problem is still small. The author's questionnaire, the method "Personal differential", the method "Faith in people" by M. Rosenberg, the reflexive questionnaire of the level of self-confidence, the modified method of interpersonal trust by R. Levitsky, M. Stevenson, B. Bunker, the method of assessing trust in information in electronic media were used as methodological tools of the study. The sample consisted of 70 students from Russian universities. The article discusses the results of descriptive, correlation and factor analysis. It was found that most of the respondents tend to trust the opinion of video bloggers. Among the components of trust, the striving to establish an identity with a preferred video blogger stands out most clearly. A new result was the identification of the relationship between the self-estimation of an interest and one’s own competence in relation to the topics discussed in video blogs with a general level of trust in the video blogger. It is shown that the factor structure of trust includes one independent and two correlated factors. The independent factor covers the parameters of self-rated competence in life areas discussed in video blogs, self-estimation of an interest, as well as an integral assessment of self-confidence. The interrelated factors reflect the predominance of the cognitive aspects of the vlogger's perception, rational expectation of an equivalent exchange and calculation of utility, or an affectively colored attitude towards the vlogger based on a common belief in people, the desire to establish identity with him, and identification.
Bogdanovskaya I., Uglova A., Koroleva N. (2021) Psikhologicheskie faktory doveriya k populyarnym videoblogeram u sovremennoy molodezhi [Psychological Factors of Trust in Popular Video Bloggers in Modern Youth]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 18, no 3, pp. 451-467 (in Russian)
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