The article is devoted to the short-term and long-term consequences that the experience of participating in school bullying can have on various aspects of well-being of the growing schoolchildren in the future. The data of interdisciplinary longitudinal studies (first of all, The British National Child Development Study, The Great Smoky Mountain Study, Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort Study, etc.), meta-analyses, as well as "cross-sectional studies", which analyze the consequences of school bullying situations, are presented. It is shown that bullying at school contributes to an increase in the risks of self-harming and suicidal behavior, psychosomatic problems, substance use, criminalization, etc., and much concerns not only those who found themselves in the role of bullying victims, but also those who played the role of an aggressive victim or aggressor in bullying situations. Involvement in the bullying situation negatively affects the future physical and mental health, the educational trajectory and involvement in learning, friendly and marital relations, successful employment, and the financial well-being of grown-up students. The range of negative consequences of bullying is extremely wide and should be taken into account in the design of anti-bullying programs. At the same time, there is a lack of research on the consequences of bullying for children who were present in bullying situations as witnesses: some data indicate that such experiences can also have negative consequences for socialization, but these ideas need further study. Finally, the main directions and benefits from the introduction of the system of prevention and termination of bullying in educational institutions are considered.
Bochaver A. (2021) Posledstviya shkol'noy travli dlya ee uchastnikov [Consequences of School Bullying for Its Participants]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 18, no 2, pp. 393-409 (in Russian)