
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


Igor Semenov1
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

The Establishment of Activity Paradigm as a Theoretical and Methodological Dominant of Development of Russian Psychology

2020. Vol. 17. No. 2. P. 271–294 [issue contents]
On the background of a brief analysis of the history of Russian human studies in the 19th – 21st centuries, the article depicts the system-forming role of the activity approach as a theoretical and methodological dominant of development of psychological science. First time the full timeline of the activity paradigm is portrayed and the significance of its various concepts for contemporary psychology is shown. Their systemic-activity interaction allowed for us to build a theoretical model, which describes the reflective-personal regulation of cognitive activity (in discursive creative problem-solving) and a reflective mechanism of personal self-development in the process of productive individual self-activity in co-creative cooperation. Ontologically, activity is an object transformation by a subject, mediated both by tools and symbolic means of labor and communication (which are cultural and historical in their origin), and by subjective procedural dynamics of reflective-personal regulation of this transformation. Reflection provides a meaningful reassessment and productive restructuring of the subject’s conscious content for his / her adequate orientation in the biotic and social environment as a precondition of adaptive behavior and constructive goal-setting and self-development of individuality in interaction and interrelationship in the process of dialog with other people – contemporaries, predecessors and descendants, which are the links of the relay translation of knowledge and cultures. The system-forming factor of integration of these psychic processes, which provide in complex the realization by a person of social (in its cultural and historical nature) activity, and individual and dialogical behavior in communications, is the reflection as a rethinking and rebuilding by a subject of his / her feelings and content of individual consciousness. In conclusion, the prospective importance of the activity paradigm for the progress of human studies in the 21st century is shown in the interaction of various developmental psychological approaches: anthropological, metacognitive, psychosemantic, reflective, semantic, personological, acmeological, existential, cultural. Their experimental verification allowed developing psychotechnics, effective for modernization of education and management in today’s digital age.
Citation: Semenov I. (2020) Stanovlenie paradigmy deyatel'nosti kak teoretiko-metodologicheskoy dominanty razvitiya rossiyskoy psikhologii [The Establishment of Activity Paradigm as a Theoretical and Methodological Dominant of Development of Russian Psychology]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 17, no 2, pp. 271-294 (in Russian)
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