
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


Elena Grigorenko1,2, Regina Boulware-Gooden3, Natalia Rakhlina4
  • 1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
  • 2 University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd, Houston, TX 77004, USA
  • 3 Educational Center "Newhouse", 215 University Place, Syracuse, NY 13244-2100
  • 4 Yale University, 157 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510-2100, USA

Spelling and Morphological Awareness

2012. Vol. 9. No. 1. P. 104–112 [issue contents]

In this article, a connectionism model of reading, developed for English, was modified and applied to Russian. The modification introduced a morphological component into the model. The modified model was verified in a sample of 171 pupils from 4, 6, and 8 classes. The analyses indicated that the proposed model explained 60% of the variance in the outcome and that the morphology component was highly instrumental and informative.

Citation: Grigorenko, E. L., Boulveret-Houdin, R., & Rakhlina, N. V. (2012). Pravopisanie i morfologicheskoe osoznanie [Spelling and Morphological Awareness]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 9(1), 104-112. (in Russian)
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