
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


Kh. Fridman

Self-Expansiveness as a Psychological Construct for Understanding and Researching Religious Phenomena without Reliance on Religious Notions

2007. Vol. 4. No. 4. P. 101–112 [issue contents]
Self-concept is typically seen as individualistic or social<relational; sometimes it is viewed as biological, ecological, or temporal. These constitute differing vantages that lack conceptual integration. The construct of self-expansiveness provides a way for self-concept to be seen as expanding from a narrow individualistic identification to larger biological, ecological, social, and temporal identifications—and even to very expansive transpersonal identifications.  It is presented as an integrating framework useful for holistically understanding the self-concept in a way devoid of reliance on religious concepts, yet capable of addressing many religious concerns. In addition, empirical research on this construct is reviewed.
Citation: Fridman K. (2007) Rasshirenie Ya kak psikhologicheskiy konstrukt dlya issledovaniya religioznykh fenomenov bez opory na religioznye predstavleniya [Self-Expansiveness as a Psychological Construct for Understanding and Researching Religious Phenomena without Reliance on Religious Notions]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 4, no 4, pp. 101-112 (in Russian)
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