
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


Elena Starovoytenko1
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Realizing the Potentials of Reflection in the Construction Reflective Practices

2024. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 340–365 [issue contents]

In the early 1990s, the author published a book where she theoretically, phenomenologically and empirically substantiated the role of reflection in the formation of professional, creative, and ethical attitudes of a scientist. The book developed a methodology for converting the conceptual model of attitudes and their reflexive mediation into various practices of reflection oriented to the adult developing personality. This article highlights the results of the author’s new research focused on the problem of developing theoretically grounded reflective practices in the field of general personology. The methods of hermeneutics and conceptual modelling were used to identify the potentials of reflection in individual life: cultural, psychological, existential, and practical. We emphasized the practical potential of reflection, which, in unity with other potentials, determines the development of specific reflective practices, including their intentional, significative, operational, semantic aspects. The forms of reflection that set the content and structure of various reflexive practices have been identified. These forms include self-exploration, self-evaluation and recognition of self-value, self-reflection, self-expression, inner dialogue with a significant Other, reflection on a life path. Based on references to culture, psychology, and the experience of individual self-knowledge, as well as on the outlined classification of forms of reflection and the model of step-by-step construction of reflective practices, the author, following the main goal of the research, proposes a number of reflective practices. These include the practice of reflective disclosure of one’s life problems; the practice of reflective dialogue of the Self with another as “You”; the practice of dialogical achievement of self-identity of the Self; the practice of reflection of key life experiences; the practice of reflective discovery of the unknown Self. The developed practices are oriented to application in personality research, in the context of counselling and psychotherapeutic work and in individual self-knowledge.

Citation: Starovoytenko E. (2024) Realizatsiya potentsialov refleksii pri postroenii refleksivnykh praktik [Realizing the Potentials of Reflection in the Construction Reflective Practices]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 21, no 2, pp. 340-365 (in Russian)
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