
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


Yulia Potapova1, Arina Malenova1, Alexander Malenov1
  • 1 Dostoevsky Omsk State University, 55a Mira Ave., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation

Dispositional Predictors of Migration Attitudes in Omsk Students: A Socio-Demographic Aspect

2024. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 306–326 [issue contents]

Against the backdrop of alarming rates of migration population loss in the Omsk region and limited resources that can objectively retain youth in the region, there is an increasing need to analyze potential factors associated with the preconditions for the migration behavior of youth, taking into account their sociodemographic characteristics. The sociodemographic specifics of the relationships between migration attitudes and the components of subjective well-being, resilience, attitude towards the city of residence, and assessment of the migration attitudes of loved ones among Omsk students were studied. Sample: 313 schoolchildren (56.2% girls, 43.8% boys) from 14 to 17 years old and 390 students (69.7% girls and 30.3% boys) from 18 to 22 years old. Methods: testing, questionnaires, one-way analysis of variance and regression analysis. It was found that universal predictors for migration attitudes in groups of students and schoolchildren are low attachment to the city and expressed attitudes of loved ones about migration. In most of the studied socio-demographic groups, migration attitudes were associated with career orientation towards stability of place of residence, social-normative and existential-activity well-being. Specific individual psychological predictors of strengthening the migration attitudes in Omsk schoolchildren were high rates of involvement among girls, high levels of existential-activity well-being and career orientation toward service among boys, and in Omsk university students the significant factors were low rates of involvement, orientation toward entrepreneurship, and job stability among young women, expressed career orientation to challenge among young men. Taking into account the results, directions for preventing migration risks were proposed for each socio-demographic group.

Citation: Potapova Y., Malenova A., Malenov A. (2024) Dispozitsionnye prediktory migratsionnykh ustanovok uchashcheysya molodezhi Omska: sotsial'no-demograficheskiy aspekt [Dispositional Predictors of Migration Attitudes in Omsk Students: A Socio-Demographic Aspect]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 21, no 2, pp. 306-326 (in Russian)
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