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Vladimir Glebkin1, Ekaterina Olenina2Event Perception from the Perspective of the Problem of Cognitive Development
Vol. 20.
No. 1.
P. 91–106
[issue contents]
The study of the event perception is a relatively young, but rapidly developing field of cognitive psychology, which is based on an integrative view of the process of human perception and the cognitive underpinnings of this process. The objective of the study was to identify the specifics of the division of the visual narrative into events by preschoolers, primary school students, high school students and adults, and, based on the obtained data, to reconstruct hypothetically and compare the event models that each of these groups relies on. Wallace Chafe’s Pear Film was used as a stimulus material. It is shown that the models of events constructed by preschoolers and primary school students, are “planar” in nature, while high school students and adults are characterized by “volumetric” models. It is also shown that the division of the narrative into events by high school students has no notable difference from that of adults, i.e. the key age for the transition from “planar” to “volumetric” models is a high school age. In addition, for primary school students, a correlation was found between event perception and other cognitive and communication skills. The strongest correlation was found between event perception and the minuteness of the retelling, which provides some evidence for the thesis about the dominance of “planar” models for primary school students. In addition, the results obtained were considered from the perspective of the theory of mind also taken in the aspect of cognitive development.
Glebkin V., Olenina E. (2023) Vospriyatie sobytiy v aspekte problemy kognitivnogo razvitiya [Event Perception from the Perspective of the Problem of Cognitive Development (in Russian)]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 91-106 (in Russian)
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