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Vadim Rozin1Is the Implementation of a System-Information Approach by V.M. Petrov a Method for Overcoming Crisis in Psychology and other Human Sciences?
Vol. 18.
No. 1.
P. 167–181
[issue contents]
The article analyzes the work by V.M. Petrov, published in the journal World of Psychology, in which he proposes a restructuring of the humanities based on a system-information approach. The author of the present article compares this proposal with the ideas by L.S. Vygotsky, 1927, set out in his work The Historical Meaning of the Psychological Crisis. Methodological Research). The present article tries to show that the systemic approach must be understood differently than Petrov does, namely not as the ultimate ontology, but as a transformed form of methodology. In addition, relying on systemic development of G.P. Shchedrovitsky, as well as the reconstruction of the history of the natural sciences, a hypothesis is proposed, according to which the implementation of the systemic approach involves the construction of two coordinated languages — "systemic-structural" and "objective-systemic". For Shchedrovitsky, the second language is the language of the theory of activity, where activity is interpreted as a system, while for Petrov, probably, it is the theory of information. The author has a different view from Petrov’s on the main tasks of reforming psychology: there is a need for convergence of natural-scientific and humanitarian approaches, rethinking the connection between psychological science and practice, as well as reconsideration the psychological science itself, understanding the new status and nature of a person who has fallen into the transition processes and the complex reality of postmodernism (post-culture). He discusses the conditions required for solving these problems. These include the author’s concept of science, accounting for the two stages of psychology development and specifics of psychological science, as well as some specifics of the current state of culture. The author comes to the conclusion that the systemic approach helps in the study of the mind within the framework of a separate science (concept), but does not respond to the difference in paradigms, in addition, the diversity of human and personality types is conceptualized in psychological knowledge and science in the form of many psychological concepts, theories and practices, which is completely normal and does not require reform. But the methodological culture of psychologists needs to be improved.
Rozin V. (2021) Yavlyaetsya li realizatsiya sistemno-informatsionnogo podkhoda V.M. Petrova sposobom preodoleniya krizisa v psikhologii i drugikh gumanitarnykh naukakh? [Is the Implementation of a System-Information Approach by V.M. Petrov a Method for Overcoming Crisis in Psychology and other Human Sciences?]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 1, pp. 167-181 (in Russian)
systemic approach;
ideal objects;
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