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Nikolay Veraksa1, Alexandr Veraksa1, Margarita Gavrilova 1, Daria Bukhalenkova1, Kristina Tarasova 1The Russian Version of the Test of Emotion Comprehension: Adaptation and Validation for Use in Preschool Children
Vol. 18.
No. 1.
P. 56–70
[issue contents]
The article presents the results of the Russian adaptation of the Test of Emotion Comprehension (Pons, Harris, 2000). The adaptation was conducted between 2019 and 2020 on a sample of 596 children 5-6 years old. One year later, 351 children were retested to assess the ability of the tool to reflect age dynamics in development of emotion understanding. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to examine the theoretical structure underlying the tool. The empirical data obtained on the Russian sample confirmed the high correspondence of the Russian version of the tool to its original theoretical model. The result of applying Cochran's Q-test of equal proportions indicated acceptable reliability of the tool based on the internal consistency of its components. The validity of the test is confirmed by moderate positive correlations between the general level of emotion comprehension and individual test components with facial emotion recognition (Affect Recognition subtest NEPSY-II). Similar to the original version of the test, no gender differences were revealed for any of the test components in the Russian sample. The analysis of age-related differences in children's performance on the test during initial and repeated testing showed that the number of correct answers in all components of the test significantly increased one year after the first examination, which verifies the ability of the instrument to reflect age dynamics. As a result of adaptation of the test, Russian norms for children of 5-6 and 6-7 years old were obtained. The future application of the test opens up broad possibilities for international cooperation in empirical studies of the nature of emotion understanding in preschool age and in practical tasks, such as diagnostics or design of programs for children's emotional development.
Veraksa N., Veraksa A., Gavrilova M., Bukhalenkova D., Tarasova K. (2021) Test na ponimanie emotsiy: adaptatsiya russkoyazychnoy versii na rossiyskoy vyborke detey doshkol'nogo vozrasta [The Russian Version of the Test of Emotion Comprehension: Adaptation and Validation for Use in Preschool Children]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 19, no 1, pp. 56-70 (in Russian)
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