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Elena Starovoytenko1Self-Identity of the I in Internal Dialog
Vol. 16.
No. 3.
P. 434–456
[issue contents]
The study presented in this article is based on the definition of science as a cultural phenomenon, offered by T.S. Kuhn. This approach enables the treatment of psychology of personality and general personology as an open world of cultural phenomena such as productive ideas and theories, models and scientific facts, methods and practices, interpretations and communications. The genesis and potential of these phenomena can be discovered by the cultural phenomenology of the personality. Using methods of hermeneutics, modelling and building of reflexive practices which are relevant to cultural methodology of personality, the author proposes the idea of the internal dialog I – Another as a significant intrapersonal condition in developing the self-identity of the I. In understanding self-identity its achievement is emphasized as a path where the trend of the I to preserve itself meets with challenges of unidentification with self and further identification at new levels. A structure is offered for developing dialog oriented towards the multilevel reflective opening of the I in relation to the Other from positions of the I and the internal Other. It is shown that such a dialog can enrich and strengthen the self-identity of the I through harmonization, problematization and synthesis of I-representations obtained from the above positions. The author’s idea has been developed as a continuum: hermeneutical model – theoretical model – reflective model. It addresses the task of studying and actualizing the opportunity to achieve the self-identity of the I in internal dialog.
Starovoytenko E. (2019) Samotozhdestvo Ya vo vnutrennem dialoge [Self-Identity of the I in Internal Dialog]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 16, no 3, pp. 434-456 (in Russian)
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