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Olga Gulevich1, Elena Agadullina1, Oleg Khukhlaev2Approval of Group Hierarchy: Russian Version of Social Dominance Orientation Scale
Vol. 15.
No. 3.
P. 407–426
[issue contents]
The article describes the Russian version of Social Dominance Orientation Scale (Pratto et al., 1994). The structure, reliability and validity of three variants of the scale were studied: scale for measurement of general social dominance (Study 1), of dominance in interethnic (Study 2) and international (Study 3) relationships. Two thousand thirty five respondents took part in the studies (N1 = 512, N2 = 204, N3 = 1319). They filled in full versions of the scales, which comprised 16 items. Respondents were to agree or disagree with each statement on a 7-score scale (from 1 – “completely disagree” to 7 – “completely agree”). Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the model, where items formed 2 closely interrelated sub-factors, better fitted the data, than models, where all items were summed in one scale. Moreover, it was found that models, which comprised 10 items, better fitted the data, than models with 16 items (Study 1: χ2 = 121.737*, CFI = 0.967, RMSEA = 0.050; Study 2: χ2 = 42.411, CFI=0.988, RMSEA =0.035; Study 3: χ2 = 134.225, CFI = 0.967, RMSEA = 0.047). Further analysis demonstrated that 10-items models have good indices of configural validity. In whole, the acquired results show that the short versions of the Social Dominance Orientation Scales correspond to the theoretical model, are reliable, valid and can be used in empirical research.
Gulevich O., Agadullina E., Khukhlaev O. (2018) Odobrenie gruppovoy ierarkhii: russkoyazychnaya versiya shkaly dlya izmereniya orientatsii na sotsial'noe dominirovanie [Approval of Group Hierarchy: Russian Version of Social Dominance Orientation Scale]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, no 3, pp. 407-427 (in Russian)