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Tatiana Kornilova1, S. KerimovaSpecifics of Personal Prerequisites of Decision-Making Process (Based on the Framing Effect) in Doctors and Teachers Sample Groups
Vol. 15.
No. 1.
P. 22–38
[issue contents]
The article reports on the study of framing susceptibility and personality profiles in medical workers whose occupation is tightly interwoven with decision making related to danger to health, as compared to teachers whose decision making is not related to health. Two groups of Azerbaijani medical doctors and teachers participated in the study. Framing susceptibility was measured with Kahneman’s “Asian Disease Problem” task. We compared personality profiles of doctors and teachers who did and did not show susceptibility to framing, using a set of behavioral measures indexing attitude towards uncertainty and risk and decision making strategies. Specifically, we used the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire, Budner’s Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale, and Personality Factors of Decision Making (LFR-21) questionnaires, all validated previously on Azerbaijani samples. The results indicated that doctors were more susceptible to framing than teachers. At the same time, professional group differences were established for personality variables – tolerance for uncertainty was markedly lower in doctors compared to teachers and was linked in to rationality in doctors (in teachers, it was linked to intolerance to uncertainty). Doctors also demonstrated higher avoidance in decision making. In the overall sample, framing susceptibility was associated with vigilance, hypergivilance, and rationality. The study lays a foundation for viewing framing effect not as a cognitive bias phenomenon but as a personality-mediated individually-differentiating characteristic of decision making.
Kornilova T., Kerimova S. (2018) Osobennosti lichnostnykh predposylok prinyatiya resheniy (na materiale freyming-effekta) u vrachey i prepodavateley [Specifics of Personal Prerequisites of Decision-Making Process (Based on the Framing Effect) in Doctors and Teachers Sample Groups]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 22-38 (in Russian)
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