
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


Nadezhda Lebedeva1
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Implicit Theories of Innovativeness: Cultural Differences

2012. Vol. 9. No. 2. P. 89–106 [issue contents]

Objective of the research: to reveal implicit theories of innovativeness among members of the three ethno-cultural groups: Russians, the peoples of the North Caucasus (Chechens and Ingush), and Tuvinians, and their impact on the attitude to innovations in a cross-cultural comparison. Students and teachers of from secondary schools (N=804) have completed a questionnaire in Russian, which included the modified Adjective Check List (Runco et al., 1993) to measure the qualities necessary for innovators; also used was the authors's scale of Innovative Qqualities of Ppersonality (Lebedeva, Tatarko, 2009), measuring the attitudes to innovations (12 items). The mean on the scale’s items constitutes “Integral Index of the Ppersonality’s Iinnovativeness” (alpha Cronbach's scores are: 0,79 for Russians; 0,85 for North Caucasians; 0,80 for Tuvinians). Respondents were also asked also about their personal experience of innovation’s the introduction or and / and or implementation of innovations. The data was processed using the statistical package SPSS (version 19) statistical package. To define the relationships of the variables we used structural modeling of latent variables with AMOS (version 19). Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses we have identified two blocks of implicit theories of innovativeness: «’Individual» ‘ implicit theories: open-mindedness, creativity, enthusiasm, risk propensity, imagination, high motivation, optimism, and «’Social» ‘ implicit theories: respect for authority, honesty, trust to in people. We have founded intercultural differences: the ‘«individual» ‘ theories of innovativeness are more pronounced among Russians, ; the respondents from the North Caucasus and Tuva prefer social theories of innovativeness more. Using structural equation modeling we have built a culturally universal model of the impact of implicit theories of innovativeness on the personal experience of innovations through attitudes toward innovations. The effect of implicit theories of innovativeness on the attitudes to innovation is more pronounced in the traditional cultures of the North Caucasus and Tuva, but it is not significant in the more modernized (Russian) culture. Positive attitudes to innovation positively affect the experience of innovations in all three cultures. The results obtained results should be considered when planning and implementing innovations in different regions of Russia.

Citation: Lebedeva, N. M. (2012). Implitsitnye teorii innovativnosti: mezhkul'turnye razlichiya [Implicit Theories of Innovativeness: Cultural Differences]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 9(2), 89-106. (in Russian)
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