
Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


A. Shmelev

A Test as a Weapon

2004. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 40–53 [issue contents]
The discussion around tests has its deeper roots in the crisis of science and methodology in Russia, in the immaturity of the professional community, and in the failure of state employment policy. The article uses the metaphor of a test as a weapon. Like weapons, tests give an advantage to their owner and, like weapons, they may cause harm. This metaphor throws new light on such features of tests as their reliability, validity, and trustworthiness. The confusion about tests, when it arises, is mostly caused by their incompetent use.
Citation: Shmelev A. (2004) Test kak oruzhie [A Test as a Weapon]. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, vol. 1, no 2, pp. 40-53 (in Russian)
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