@ARTICLE{26583223_51178589_2012, author = {Natalia Kosheleva and Evgeny Osin}, keywords = {, religious faith, everyday notions, implicit personality conceptions, character strengths, virtuesatheism}, title = {Implicit Conceptions of Atheist and Believer in Students}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2012}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {135-143}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2012-9-1/51178589.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The paper looks into the association of the characteristics of implicit conceptions of atheist and believer with demographic and religious worldview variables. A study was done in a university student sample (N=216) using the "24 strengths" questionnaire based on the classification of personality strengths and virtues by C. Peterson and M. Seligman. Significant differences were found between the strengths students ascribed to a typical believer and a typical atheist. The characteristics of the implicit conceptions of believer and atheist were associated with the students’ gender and with the extent to which they tended to endorse statements consistent with religious worldview. The tendency to endorse religious worldview moderated the association of students’ implicit conceptions of believer and atheist with their self-rating and ideal in terms of the 24 strengths. The results suggest interdependence between endorsing certain types of worldview and the content of implicit conceptions of personalities who personify these.}, annote = {The paper looks into the association of the characteristics of implicit conceptions of atheist and believer with demographic and religious worldview variables. A study was done in a university student sample (N=216) using the "24 strengths" questionnaire based on the classification of personality strengths and virtues by C. Peterson and M. Seligman. Significant differences were found between the strengths students ascribed to a typical believer and a typical atheist. The characteristics of the implicit conceptions of believer and atheist were associated with the students’ gender and with the extent to which they tended to endorse statements consistent with religious worldview. The tendency to endorse religious worldview moderated the association of students’ implicit conceptions of believer and atheist with their self-rating and ideal in terms of the 24 strengths. The results suggest interdependence between endorsing certain types of worldview and the content of implicit conceptions of personalities who personify these.} }