@ARTICLE{26583223_31321019_2011, author = {Vadim Rozin}, keywords = {, thinking, growing, development, activity, conceptions, practices, functioning, evolutiontasks}, title = {Conceptualisation of Thinking in Philosophy and Psychology}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2011}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {3-25}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2011-8-2/31321019.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The issues associated with the study of thinking in philosophy and psychology are considered. Thinking practices and conceptions of thinking are differentiated as poles of an integral thinking phenomenon. The functions and the evolution of thinking conceptions in the history of culture are discussed.}, annote = {The issues associated with the study of thinking in philosophy and psychology are considered. Thinking practices and conceptions of thinking are differentiated as poles of an integral thinking phenomenon. The functions and the evolution of thinking conceptions in the history of culture are discussed.} }