@ARTICLE{26583223_29332462_2011, author = {Anna Kirenskaya and Vladimir Novototsky-Vlasov and Valerya Stepanova and Andrey Chistyakov and Vyacheslav Zvonikov}, keywords = {, hypnoability, EEG spectrumcoherence}, title = {The Influence of Hypnoability on Background Features of the EEG}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2011}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {139-149}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2011-8-1/29332462.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The research was done in a sample of 30 volunteers, including 18 with high hypnoability and 12 with low hypnoability. EEG was recorded using 19 standard leads in a calm wakeful state in a closed-eyes condition for 2 minutes. Spectral power and coherence were analysed. The results confirmed the existing data indicating increased spectral power in theta wave range in highly hypnoable subjects. Significantly higher coherence in theta and alpha ranges was discovered in highly hypnoable subjects, compared to those with low hypnoability. Conversely, spectral power and coherence of high-frequency waves (beta2 and gamma ranges) were lower in highly hypnoable subjects. Overall, the results suggest that highly hypnoable subjects tend towards imaginative thinking, whereas subjects with low hypnoability tend towards verbal and logical thinking.}, annote = {The research was done in a sample of 30 volunteers, including 18 with high hypnoability and 12 with low hypnoability. EEG was recorded using 19 standard leads in a calm wakeful state in a closed-eyes condition for 2 minutes. Spectral power and coherence were analysed. The results confirmed the existing data indicating increased spectral power in theta wave range in highly hypnoable subjects. Significantly higher coherence in theta and alpha ranges was discovered in highly hypnoable subjects, compared to those with low hypnoability. Conversely, spectral power and coherence of high-frequency waves (beta2 and gamma ranges) were lower in highly hypnoable subjects. Overall, the results suggest that highly hypnoable subjects tend towards imaginative thinking, whereas subjects with low hypnoability tend towards verbal and logical thinking.} }