@ARTICLE{26583223_29328707_2011, author = {Maria Slavutskaya and Victoria Moiseeva and Valery Shulgovsky}, keywords = {, attention, pre-saccadic EEG potentials, programming, saccadic eye movementslatent period}, title = {The Influence of Attentional Processes on Programming of Saccadic Eye Movements in Humans}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2011}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {78-88}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2011-8-1/29328707.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The data shows the association of attentional mechanisms and saccadic eye movement programming with levels and topography of averaged EEG potentials that reflect saccade preparation. The application of several psychophysiological visual stimulation schemes ("Step", "Gap", "Overlap", "Cost-benefit", "antisaccadic") has allowed to reveal the contribution of different varieties of attention to saccade preparation and programming. It was established that the participation of attentional processes in saccadic eye movement control is implemented by fronto-parietal cortex networks and fronto-medio-thalamic, as well as thalamo-parietal, modulating systems of selective attention.}, annote = {The data shows the association of attentional mechanisms and saccadic eye movement programming with levels and topography of averaged EEG potentials that reflect saccade preparation. The application of several psychophysiological visual stimulation schemes ("Step", "Gap", "Overlap", "Cost-benefit", "antisaccadic") has allowed to reveal the contribution of different varieties of attention to saccade preparation and programming. It was established that the participation of attentional processes in saccadic eye movement control is implemented by fronto-parietal cortex networks and fronto-medio-thalamic, as well as thalamo-parietal, modulating systems of selective attention.} }