@ARTICLE{26583223_27513056_2010, author = {Andrey Lovakov}, keywords = {, organizational identification, attachment to organization, four-component model of organizational identificationconnection between an employee and the organization}, title = {The Method of Organizational Identification Measuaring: Development and Testing}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2010}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {108-116}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2010-7-4/27513056.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The questionnaire for organizational identification comprising of 12 points and 4 subscales (self-categorization, identification valence, emotional attachment, organization goals’ and values’ division) is presented. Confirmatory factor analysis has shown satisfactory fit of factor structure to empirical data. Satisfactory level of convergent validity was found though the validity of some scales needs further substantiation. Psychometric verification of the questionnaire based on four component model of organizational identification has shown the permissibility of its usage.}, annote = {The questionnaire for organizational identification comprising of 12 points and 4 subscales (self-categorization, identification valence, emotional attachment, organization goals’ and values’ division) is presented. Confirmatory factor analysis has shown satisfactory fit of factor structure to empirical data. Satisfactory level of convergent validity was found though the validity of some scales needs further substantiation. Psychometric verification of the questionnaire based on four component model of organizational identification has shown the permissibility of its usage.} }