@ARTICLE{26583223_27512449_2010, author = {A. Ailamasian}, keywords = {, naturalistic paradigm, humanitarian paradigm, value basis of psychology, researcher’s positionvalue basis of psychological practice}, title = {Comments on the Discussion}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2010}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {68-76}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2010-7-4/27512449.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Modern situation in psychology is discussed from philosophical point of view and possible ways of psychology construction are proposed. The confrontation between naturalistic paradigm and humanitarian one is underlined. The questions to be solved by psychology are discussed: Is experimental, empirical research possible in psychology? Is the research substituted for the constructing of psychological phenomena? How to get over the gap between academic and practical psychology?}, annote = {Modern situation in psychology is discussed from philosophical point of view and possible ways of psychology construction are proposed. The confrontation between naturalistic paradigm and humanitarian one is underlined. The questions to be solved by psychology are discussed: Is experimental, empirical research possible in psychology? Is the research substituted for the constructing of psychological phenomena? How to get over the gap between academic and practical psychology?} }