@ARTICLE{26583223_26669869_2010, author = {L. Kamyshnikova and Sofya Belova}, keywords = {, self-assessment of emotional intelligence, gender differences, prototypeculture relevance}, title = {Self-assessment of Emotional Intelligence through the Prism of the Cultural Relevance Model}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2010}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {120-128}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2010-7-3/26669869.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The study is dedicated to the investigation of the specificity of self-assessment of emotional intelligence from the view-point of a theoretical model of cultural relevance. The model includes three dimensions (prototypicality, value, frequency) and proposes their influence on external validity of self-assessment. At the first stage of the study the emotional intelligence questionnaire was constructed on the basis of the Act Frequency approach (Buss, Craik, 1983). At the second stage, the questionnaire items were assessed according to three dimensions of relevance proposed by the model. At the third stage, emotional intelligence was measured by means of the constructed questionnaire and emotional intelligence tests. It was, thus, revealed that the correlation between questionnaire's items and external criteria was predicted by their value (in positive direction). In comparison with accuracy of self-estimates, their level was influenced to a greater extent by the cultural relevance of the questionnaire items.}, annote = {The study is dedicated to the investigation of the specificity of self-assessment of emotional intelligence from the view-point of a theoretical model of cultural relevance. The model includes three dimensions (prototypicality, value, frequency) and proposes their influence on external validity of self-assessment. At the first stage of the study the emotional intelligence questionnaire was constructed on the basis of the Act Frequency approach (Buss, Craik, 1983). At the second stage, the questionnaire items were assessed according to three dimensions of relevance proposed by the model. At the third stage, emotional intelligence was measured by means of the constructed questionnaire and emotional intelligence tests. It was, thus, revealed that the correlation between questionnaire's items and external criteria was predicted by their value (in positive direction). In comparison with accuracy of self-estimates, their level was influenced to a greater extent by the cultural relevance of the questionnaire items.} }