@ARTICLE{26583223_26742688_2009, author = {T. Ushakova}, keywords = {, mechanisms of verbal activity, electrophysiological research of speechmodel of choice of a word from lexicon}, title = {On the Mechanisms of Human Verbal Processes}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2009}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {99-113}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2009-6-1/26742688.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The directions of research outlined in E.I. Boyko's works and elaborated by a group of his followers under the scientific supervision of T.N. Ushakova are described. The article discusses the materials of verbal mechanisms research; which are studied not just with the method of testing stimulus (measurement of voluntary motor reaction) but also with non-voluntary reactions, EEG in the first place; functioning of principle of dynamic temporary ties in human verbal activity.}, annote = {The directions of research outlined in E.I. Boyko's works and elaborated by a group of his followers under the scientific supervision of T.N. Ushakova are described. The article discusses the materials of verbal mechanisms research; which are studied not just with the method of testing stimulus (measurement of voluntary motor reaction) but also with non-voluntary reactions, EEG in the first place; functioning of principle of dynamic temporary ties in human verbal activity.} }