@ARTICLE{26583223_26959014_2007, author = {G. Ivanchenko}, keywords = {}, title = {«Christian Beneficial Psychology»: in a way pro Religious and in a way pro Psychological}, journal = {Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics}, year = {2007}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {53-57}, url = {https://psy-journal.hse.ru/en/2007-4-4/26959014.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Why not the religious (poly-confessional) but just the Christian psychology should be developed? Why non-religious spirituality is impossible? The author considers that «Christianity-oriented psychology» failed to give a convincing answer to these questions and to suggest its heuristic interpretation of psychological categories.}, annote = {Why not the religious (poly-confessional) but just the Christian psychology should be developed? Why non-religious spirituality is impossible? The author considers that «Christianity-oriented psychology» failed to give a convincing answer to these questions and to suggest its heuristic interpretation of psychological categories.} }